I wrote a post today then deleted it because I had posted out of anger. When someone tells you to stop stalking someone and you didn't even know you were stalking them, It will kind of piss you off....
To the person I am told I am stalking.
Even though I haven't seen or talked to you in over a week, you don't have to worry anymore because these are the last word you will ever read or hear from me. Have a great life.
Twisted History: St. Patrick’s Day
22 hours ago
just what is the legal definition of stalking these days / im sure i don't know.
Tony, it is so obvious you are grieving- for what was and for future dreams lost- i am so sorry for your pain but also know with absolute certainty, that you will survive this in one piece- older, wiser but in one piece.
i am sending you love dear friend, honour the grieving process, there will be light at the end of the tunnel, with or without K
Lisa xx
I hope all is ok.
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