Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The first fish is always the sweetest.

We just got back from My son's (he will now be called RA for this blog) first fishing trip. Today's score: RA=6 Fish=0 It's true. He caught 5 Bream and 1 Bluegill. (pictures to be posted soon) The score was almost 5-1 as the Bluegill, which was a good 2 hands longs, almost pulled the boy into the lake. Mom, you would have been so proud of both he and I. Hope you got the pictures.

I have to run. My boy is challenging me to golf on the Wii. He's only 6 but he beats the poo out of me every time we play.

Mom, Come home soon. The two boys you left here our missing you something awful.

Remember that you are my Heart, My Soul, My Life and My Love....

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