When K's mom comes over to the house now, it kind of puts me in a bind. You see, for the last three weeks I have been living in the mother-in-law suite of the castle de crazy. so when she comes over I have to find I place to sleep. Well K and her mother have been planing a trip to Ohio from months now and anytime they go somewhere MIL comes down a day or two early so they can leave at oh God thirty in the morning.
That brings us to where I am right now. Sitting in front of a computer in an old girlfriends apartment after a long night of talking and watching movies.
The older readers will remember me talking about M. I was so much in love with M about 20 years ago and then we had a very nasty break-up. We parted ways and for the next 17 years we didn't talk. Hell we didn't even know if the other was still alive. But anyway, just a few days after K told me she wanted a divorce M and I found each other on Classmate.com. I had been looking for her for some time. I really missed our friendship. So last week she and I picked a very public place and we met for lunch. Let me get back to the original idea behind this post. You can read all of this in one of my more resent post.
On Monday while I was thinking about where I was going to sleep for a day or two, M asked if I wanted to come over and crash at her place. I told her I would let her know and started to help K get ready for their trip. Yesterday my MIL came to the house to get ready for a Friday escape. So while taking a nap on the library floor, I realized that I had to find somewhere for the night. It was about that time that M called and asked if I was still coming over for a visit. I told her yes but it was about this same time that K and MIL said that they were going to leave in a few minutes. So at this point I no longer needed a place to stay. Within just a few minutes I kissed RA goodbye, told K and MIL that I loved them, and watched them drive away. I had already told M that I would come over so I got a shower and called to let her know I was on my way. She asked if I had eaten dinner and I offered to pick something up for us. BTW the new KFC grilled chicken is good. So we ate dinner, talked, worked on some of her projects, and watched movies until 4am. She asked me if I still wanted to stay the night and being that it was already 4am I said yes. I slept on the couch while she slept on her bed and her son slept in his bed. Like one big happy family. That was a joke. It was nice to be somewhere without the stress that I have felt at home for the last few weeks. It was nice to be able to get some quality sleep for a change.
So that's how I ended up sleeping in the apartment of my ex-girlfriend. I could go into more juicy details, but there's just not any....
K, you are my Heart, my Soul, my Life, and my Love.
But most of all you are my friend.
I Love You.
Twisted History: St. Patrick’s Day
14 hours ago
Hey Tony, Thanks for you comment on my blog. Yeah, the war of thoughts in the head probably accounts for the wars fought in real life. But on a more personal level, they just totally suck. It sounds like you're going through an extremely unstable and uncomfortable place in life at the moment. I feel for you. The blog probably doesn't make it easier, I know how those close to you can be affected by what you write publicly on a blog. It can be very disconcerting to say the least. That's why I code a lot of my emotions into poems before I post my life. Still, I did that not long ago and the man I wrote it about (whom I was dating at the time), took great offense, although he had no reason to since we had already broken up. Still, he did, and for a while I stopped writing poems. But I got my verse back on now, and I'm writing up a storm.
Cat, wow. Yes, that has happened to me to, and recently. I discovered that some things just can't get posted, even though they are encrypted as poetry. I'm so glad you've found your voice again.
Tony, I hope this time apart is helpful to you and K.
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