It's funny how a smell or a song or even a place can bring back memories, both good and bad.
Today I went someplace that I had not been in 20 years. Near my house is a large lake and at this lake is a small beach. About 20 years ago I took a very special person to this small beach. It was late at night and we were the only two there. On that night I kissed M for the first time, on this beach under the moonlight. I felt the same way about her then as I do about K now. Today I took M and her son back to this beach and while they played in the water I just sat on a rock looking out into the vastness of the lake. Every now and then I would catch M looking at me from the water. While sitting there a flood of memories came rushing back to me. I saw the place where M and I had or first kiss and then I started thinking, "I wonder if trees have memories. If they do, do they remember us on this beach so long ago." After about 2 hours they got out of the water and we headed back to her apartment. She is cooking dinner now and later the 3 of us will watch some movies together. I still love K with all of my heart, but M has helped take some of the edge off of the pain...
Until next time,
Twisted History: St. Patrick’s Day
6 hours ago
Trees do have memories.
Keep sharing yours...
What a poignant post. Do trees have memories, I don't really know, but it's a good thing humans do. That way we can cherish real joys from earlier in our lives.
your feelings are honest and heart touching. if only the trees could have voice. congrats on POTD.
Lovely post so heartfelt...congrats on the Post of the day. I thought I should come and introduce myself to my fellow POTD joint winner...
arent we lucky...
Thanks for reading. You have helped me write this blog more than anybody will ever know.
Here's to my friend...
Thanksfor the comment. Everything I write is from personal exp. So I do go to some dark places in my blog.
Please keep reading. Better things are coming.
I wish trees could talk. I would love to hear some of the stories from the history they have witnessed.
Triple F,
Being new to the blogging world, I have no idea what the Post of the Day is. How do you find this information? I'm glad that you are starting to read my blog from the beggining. It will help explain how I got here.
Knowing that people are reading has really helped to keep me going through some very tough times...
Thanks to you all.
The image of the trees witnessing and remembering, touching.
If trees had memories they would be long ones since they grown very old. Very interesting post which tells a good story.
Congratulations on POTD. I am a fellow POTD runner up - pleased to meet you ~ Eddie
I definitely believe trees have memories. Congrats on the Post of the Day Award!
Thanks to everyone. It is your kind words that make this blog happen. I don't know what the Post Of The Day is but thank you all for the congrats.
P.S. Where do you find the Post Of The Day?
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