What do we do about RA? Who gets the tv? What about the wedding pictures?
K has moved pass the getting upset about all of this. She has never shown any weakness during this divorce. I didn't know that life could hurt so bad, and it doesn't help that she puts on this I don't care attitude. I don't have anywhere to go, so my mother told me to come down and stay with her. She is 76 years old and isn't able to do much for herself anymore. Last month there would have been no way that K would have let me move back with my mom. She even said that if something happened between us, she would not let me move out until I had a place away from my mom's house. My how things have change. Last night she told me she really needed me out of the house asap. When I told her ok she asked where I was going. I told her that right now my mom's is the only place I have to go. I told her that I am working on another place but it might be 30 days before I could move in. She told me as long as it was not permanent, that I should go live at my mom's. What could have changed her mind about me so quickly.
About 30 days ago everything in the W house was going great. We went to movies together, played with our son, and did all the things a normal family would do. We were even looking at new matching titanium wedding rings. She met met someone at the track who had one and she started looking into styles and prices. She was emailing me web sites and pictures. Well I guess I don't have to worry about the rings I was giving you for our 9 th wedding anniversary. Anyway, about 30 days ago she started an online friendship with him. She says he is in Houston but his phone # is located in Austin. But that's nether here nor there. In the last 30 days their friendship has turned into a relationship. If that's what it takes to make K happy, then I'm happy for her. All I want is for the love of my life to be happy. So in 30 days I went from someone she loved enough to want to get new wedding rings with to a roommate that he wants out of the house today.
So when she got home last night after being gone all weekend with her friend K2. (They were doing some work) I asked her to sit down with me to talk about a few details about the upcoming divorce. We talking about the splitting of the assets and most importantly how we would handle our son's well being. I thought that we had decided that RA would stay with his mom and I would have always be able to see his son whenever I chose. But this time when the subject was brought up she said a friend had told her that the courts would have to decide how RA would be handled. She said she was also told the courts would have to decide how much child support payments would be. Anyway in the middle of this important talk her cell phone rang. It was him. You could tell by the way the tone in her voice changed when she picked up the phone. In that one second we went from a serious talk about our son's future to her talking to him. Seems like the last two weeks anytime her and I need to talk about the future he calls and I am sent to my room. Not once has she told him "Can I call you back. I'm in the middle of something important". He is a big reason for her wanting me out of the house so fast. She told me she would not feel right having him or any other man come to stay with her while I'm still here.
K, I know that he is now a very important part of your but RA and I both still need you in our lives.
You are my Heart, my Soul, my Life, and my Love.
But most of all you are my Friend.
I Love You.
Twisted History: St. Patrick’s Day
15 hours ago
You write from your pain and your perspective, and having hurt you deeply, I respect that...and won't answer with the thoughts that spring to mind foremost (at least, not here)...save to say that what you wrote here isn't always...factual.
I accept your anger and hurt, T...and I accept that they will alter your vision of how things are and will be, and that they will alter your portrayal of my part in this.
Never, ever cast doubt on my concern for our son's well-being again. That, I won't stand for. He is now and always will be my first priority, despite what you think, say, or imply here or elsewhere.
Shade and Sweetwater,
I would never ever say that you don't care for your son. I would never say he he is not the most important past of your life. You missed the meaning of this post. What I was getting at is that sometimes when we are talking about important things, you let other people just butt in. I then feel like and outsider. I feel like I am forced to take a back seat to EVERYONE else.
You know I love you and I know that RA is the most important thing in your life, but a lot of the time you make me feel like I'm just getting in your way.
K, you are my Heart, my Soul, my Life, and my Love.
But most of all you are my friend.
I Love You...
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