This morning K left the house to take care of a few things that needed to be done. Food... She went shopping at her favorite place. Publix. But she also went to our county courthouse to get the forms we needed to start the end of our marriage. The nice lady who gave her the trilogy of paper work told her "Don't worry, most of those 1000 pages are just instructions". Can you say Bullsh__! K spent 5 hours filling out paperwork. They wanted to know about everything that we ever had or did or ever thought of doing. I did help by staying out of her way. :^) Just kidding. I sat there and when she had a question that we needed to answer together I told her "what ever". We found out that in this state child support is based on a scale kind of like the tax charts we all use. So if someone made $3000 gross a month and their spouse made nothing then got the children, the money winner then would owe about $850 per child per month. Ouch.
Anyway we got everything basically done and on Monday we will go to the courthouse, spend money we don't have to spare, visit 30 different departments, then wait 30 days for a judge to say OK, have a great life, goodbye.
So today I ended my marriage and watched my soon to be ex-wife's head spin completely around 6 times before exploding. Wow, what a fun day.
Sorry, got to run. My ex-girlfriend is calling me to the table...
K. You will always be my Heart, my Soul, my Life, and my Love.
But most of all you will always be my friend...
P.S. M. Thanks for all the help you gave me that has helped me look past this painful time of my life.
P.S.S. Thanks to all of my Blog comment posters. You all said the right things at the right time that helped keep me going even in my darkest hours. I love you all....
Twisted History: St. Patrick’s Day
14 hours ago
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